Moving well to Guadeloupe
Who has never dreamed of going to live in Guadeloupe? With its beaches, its sumptuous landscapes, its coconut palms, its delicious climate and this natural beauty that never ceases to amaze, how can you resist the call? For those who have decided to take the plunge, moving to Guadeloupe represents an important stage in their life. Indeed, this trip is not next door, because a distance of more than 6400 km separates it from the metropolis. It is easy to understand then that the transport of all your belongings is something that needs to be prepared upstream, sometimes months in advance.
Tourist or resident?
Even though the West Indies abound in wonders, it must be understood that the life of a resident is not that of a tourist. Living in Guadeloupe implies a real change in the way you live on a daily basis, whether in your habits or in your rhythm of life. Of course, getting used to the sun should be easy, but you should know that Guadeloupe is a French department where it rains often, especially during the low season. Likewise, the sun sets relatively early, around 6-6:30 p.m. You also have to get used to eating differently, that is to say most of the time to consume Creole dishes. These dishes mix flavors that come from Africa or India. You understand now, deciding to live in Guadeloupe implies a real change in your life. If the motivation is still there, then here are some wise tips for moving to Guadeloupe.
Settling in Guadeloupe
If you are somewhat phobic with the administrative procedures, know that to move to Guadeloupe they are very simple. Indeed, Guadeloupe is a region of the French overseas territories. Consequently, a move to the Antilles, in this case Guadeloupe, does not involve formalities unless you have to travel from one department to another in metropolitan France. A simple valid identity card or your passport is sufficient for metropolitan residents to travel and settle in Guadeloupe. The important fact to take into account is that your move is over 6000 km away. It is therefore necessary to anticipate all the steps, whether those of your installation, those of your move itself and your future life in Guadeloupe.
The first steps
Regarding your bank account, it is quite possible to request a transfer of your account from the mainland to an agency located in Guadeloupe to pay your fees and receive your salary. If you are an owner in Guadeloupe, you have to put everything in place so that your installation goes as well as possible from the first days. This concerns in particular the procedures for connection to gas and electricity. The suppliers are the same as in metropolitan France, but the prices vary according to the type of your residence. Likewise, for Internet, you have the choice between several operators including SFR and Orange. Prices vary between 30 and 60 euros. In Guadeloupe, there are also specialized operators such as Digiciel, SFR and Orange Caraibe.
Understanding the cost of living in Guadeloupe
Before moving to Guadeloupe, it is important to understand that the cost of living is not quite the same as in mainland France. Indeed, it is much higher than in metropolitan France, in particular because of the importation of many products of everyday life. However, if you are ready to change your metropolitan way of life and adopt that of the Guadeloupeans, then you can find your way more easily, especially when it comes to food shopping (local fruits and vegetables in priority). It is estimated that food prices in Guadeloupe are 9% higher than those in mainland France. In terms of health, prices are 16% higher on average compared to mainland France. For communications – telephone or postal items – here too, the rates are higher in Guadeloupe by around 17%. Finally, for clothing the gap also exists since clothes cost 3% more than in mainland France.
Moving to Guadeloupe the right way?
Now that everything seems clear about life in Guadeloupe, we must take an interest in the move itself. Two options are available to you, namely the move by boat or by plane. Air transport is very expensive and that is why, at ADC, we recommend that you opt for the sea route. Indeed, the boat is a very good means for a complete move even if the time to receive all your belongings is longer.
What boat transport?
There too, two solutions are available to you, namely with a complete and individualized container or a grouped container. For the individual container, this solution offers both flexibility and speed. Indeed, you know exactly what you are putting in the container. The mover takes care of the management of your container to drop it off at your place, to load it with you and finally load it on the boat. The grouped container – or groupage – is less expensive. Indeed, you are with several individuals to share and fill the same container. However, the goods of each customer are separated by a vertical partition in order to avoid any mixing. There are 3 types of containers for maritime transport: • The standard 20-foot container: equivalent to transporting up to 33 m3 • The standard 40-foot container: equivalent to a capacity of up to 66m3 • The so-called “High Cube” container »40 feet: here, the volume can reach up to 76 m3
What goods to take to Guadeloupe?
To succeed in your move to Guadeloupe and not to overburden yourself unnecessarily, it is advisable to make an initial sorting in your affairs. Indeed, the cost of transporting your belongings depends on the volume and quantity you take with you. Take this opportunity to donate or sell certain things. • When it comes to clothing, prioritize light clothing and, if possible, cotton. Forget anything leather or wool. It is easy to dress on the spot. • For your furniture, the question is different. Indeed, furniture that is not made of exotic wood may suffer from ambient humidity. Opt for resistant furniture if you want to take some with your luggage. Note that the cost of transporting a piece of furniture is higher than for the rest because of its weight and the volume it occupies. • For computer equipment, we recommend that you invest in quality equipment and take it with you, because this kind of purchase is very expensive in Guadeloupe. • For household appliances, the standards are the same as in mainland France. You can therefore transport your fridge or dishwasher without any problem. But here too, like your furniture, large household appliances have a cost because of their weight and the space they take up.
When to go to Guadeloupe?
Theoretically, you can move at any time of the year, as there are boat trips every month. In addition, the climate is a concept to take into account: some seasons are warmer and others are rainier than others, and therefore less favorable for your installation on the island. Be aware, however, that the greatest demand for moving is between June and September.
Customs formalities
For a move to Guadeloupe, customs formalities are minimal, especially if you use a professional mover like ADC. Concretely, for the removal of personal property, you just need to provide a photocopy of your passport or your identity card as well as the transfer notice or the copy of your new employment contract. Add the precise coordinates of your arrival residence as well as a precise inventory of your personal effects. If you have to move your car, it is mandatory to provide the above-mentioned parts, but also a copy of your registration card, a certificate of non-pledge and the declaration of value of your car.
What about taxes?
For your move to Guadeloupe, you have to transport all kinds of goods and merchandise. Anything that concerns an unprofessional nature, you can benefit from the “moving franchise”. This customs exemption exempts you from the Sea Charges. Note, however: obtaining this exemption remains subject to certain conditions and commitments on the part of the applicant. The “moving franchise” does not work for professional equipment. In case of doubt or if you have any questions, we advise you to contact the customs department directly. As we can see, moving to Guadeloupe is serious business, it cannot be improvised in a few days. As much for the administrative formalities at your place of departure as at your place of arrival as for the move itself, we recommend that you start the first stages approximately 3 months before the D-day.
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